Then normal cancellation penalties apply.
Final payment is due approximately 5 months prior to departure.
Please fill out a separate form for each passenger.
Additional Payments can be made online with our Secure Additional Payment Form
or by calling us at 1-800-423-0247.
Amadeus does not accept American Express
Travel Protection is highly recommended, includes coverage for pre-existing conditions if purchased at time of deposit, and is not refundable. Travel Protection may be purchased up until the day before departure.
Exact Premium costs can be found on your flyer or by contacting us.
Credit card payments can be made on your reservation form below, by using our Secure Online Payment Form or by calling 1-800-423-0247
If paying by check, please make checks payable to Grand American Tours and mail with Travel Protection Form to: P.O. Box 50 Morton, PA 19070
Right click and choose to open in a new tab so you don't lose your form
Most flyers only show double occupancy rates. If you need single occupancy rates and do not see them on your flyer, please call 1-800-423-0247.
Grand American Tours
Grand American Tours P.O. Box 50 Morton, PA 19070